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家庭感情心理咨询找谁 婚姻家庭心理咨询个案---仅供心理咨询师学习参考(6)

2021-05-26 06:01:58恋爱课程人已围观

简介家庭感情心理咨询找谁 婚姻家庭心理咨询个案---仅供心理咨询师学习参考向咨询师自述了婚姻生活状况、工作情况,提供了关于婚姻家庭中关系不和谐的主要内容。结合求助者艾丽女士婚姻的实际,可以很好地佐证这五种因素,是造成艾丽夫妻紧张的原因。认知--行为婚姻疗法(CBMT),从认知的五种因素入手,剖析了艾丽夫妻关系紧张的原因。(6)当心理咨询师认为自己不适合对某个求助者进行咨询时,应向求助者做出明确的说明,并且应本着对求助者负责的态度,将其介绍给另一位合适的心理咨询师或医师。

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6)归纳和反馈注意事项:在访谈中,您应该始终贯彻Ally的治疗目标。在第二次会议上,必须完成的任务包括:将的问题与消费产品处理目标联系起来;加强认知模型; to her : by to make a to , some of Ai Li's : the with the help .

The time ( 30, 2005)


1) on Ms. Ai Li’s of her ’s . The of is to try as much as to the of the to each 's . , the is to the is as in line with , or it is in line with the of ’s , so that the of will not lead to .

2) Ally to pay to the in the life, "pay to " . to in the in a way is very to the and wife.

: (same as the time)

1) Help , and then make new to help , such as the of the , the , and .

2) the on only to the core of both and self; on , and with her .

3) Ms. Ai Li to talk to more and take the to in that her to do and .

4) In to make some or , and ’s her are .

The time ( 10, 2005)


1) the of and .

2) End the .



1) Ally to give up some and . The to self- .

2) in .

3) each ’s and are to more with the .

4) Use a to Ally to her own . And on to to her .


1、 Self- by Ai Li, the help : a new to view life, are not so low, of 's is , and wife is more than , and the of to is , Have deep in the of .

2、 of the : the and -up of Ms. Ai Li, it was that the goal of the was : Ms. Ai Li's and were ; the of with her , and the and wife was no , Be life. The SDS self- was on Ms. Ai Li, and all the of and were .


①- (CBMT). CBMT is the of . ( to and for " ( ) (, S-) J ) (, /kS), 2001, Du.


很赞哦! ()


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